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Notice: February 03, 2025 - Effective April 1st, 2025, STUSCO will cease publication of all postings and associated bulletins to this website.

Notice: October 1, 2020 - STUSCO has changed the adjustment for California Gravity Scale (WOR) to $0.02 per tenth of degree for gravity below 34 degrees.

Notice: November 1, 2017 - Stusco will no longer post prices for Rockies.

Notice: June 1, 2017 - STUSCO has changed the adjustment for California Gravity Scale (WOR) to $0.035 per tenth of degree for gravity below 34 degrees.

Notice: November 10, 2014 - For November 07, 2012, Bulletin # 14-216, all postings prices except California Buena Vista and Midway Sunset, Louisiana South Sweet (Onshore), and Wyoming Asphalt, General, Heavy, and Medium Sour have been revised.

***Please note, price stated for Wyoming General Sour is misstated online. The correct price for Wyoming General Sour should be $68.00 for 10 October 2013. We are aware of the issue and are working on a solution to correct the price online.

Notice: November 28, 2012 - For November 27, 2012, Bulletin # 12-230, California Buena Vista and Midway Sunset have been revised. Correct prices should be Buena Vista $105.35 and Midway Sunset $100.00.

Notice: March 30, 2012 - For the March 2012 Monthly Bulletin, please note the correct price for Louisiana South Sweet (Onshore) for 3/30/2012 should be $98.00 and the monthly average should be $101.3065.

Notice: November 21, 2011 - For November 18, 2011, Bulletin # 11-226, all postings except California Buena Vista and Midway Sunset, Louisiana South Sweet (Onshore), and Wyoming Asphalt, General, Heavy, and Medium Sour have been revised.

Notice: September 6, 2011 - For September 2, 2011, Bulletin # 11-172, the following Wyoming postings have been revised: Asphalt Sour $66.00, General Sour $67.00, Heavy Sour $71.74, and Medium Sour $73.09.

Notice: September 2, 2011 - For September 1, 2011, Bulletin # 11-171, the following postings have been revised: California Buena Vista $110.10, Midway Sunset $104.55, Texas West Texas/New Mexico Sour $83.10, Colorado Eastern Sweet $77.43, Nebraska Western Sweet $77.43, Williston Basin North $75.93, Wyoming Southwest $80.68, Wyoming Sweet (Other) $76.93.

Notice: May 2, 2011 - Our April Monthly bulletin has been updated and now reflects the correct monthly averages.

Notice: April 8, 2011 - For April 4, 2011 Bulletin #11-065, the following Wyoming postings have been revised: Asphalt Sour $80.00, General Sour $80.00, Heavy Sour $84.41, and Medium Sour $85.51. April 5, 2011 Bulletin #11-066, Asphalt Sour $80.50, General Sour $80.50, Heavy Sour $84.91, and Medium Sour $86.01.

Notice: March 3, 2011 - For March 2, 2011 Bulletin #11-042, the following Wyoming postings have been revised to: Asphalt Sour $67.00, General Sour $68.00, Heavy Sour $72.40, and Medium Sour $73.50.

Notice: February 2, 2011 - For January 1, 2011 Bulletin #11-022, West Texas/New Mexico Sour has been revised from $83.05 to $81.95.

Notice: December 30, 2010 - For December 29, 2010, Bulletin #10-255, Louisiana South Sweet (Onshore) has been revised from $86.10 to $86.00.

Notice: October 28, 2010 - For October 27, 2010, Bulletin #10-212, the following Wyoming prices have been revised to: Asphalt Sour $48.75, General Sour $49.75, Heavy Sour $53.99, and Medium Sour $55.09

Notice: September 2, 2010 - For September 1, 2010, Bulletin #10-173, the following Wyoming prices have been revised to: Asphalt Sour $48.75, General Sour $49.75, Heavy Sour $54.00, and Medium Sour $55.10

Notice: April 29, 2010 - Price for Louisiana South Sweet (Onshore) on Bulletin #10-083 for April 28, 2010 has been revised to $77.80.

Notice: February 3, 2010 - Price for Louisiana South Sweet (Onshore) on Bulletin #10-022 for February 2, 2010 has been revised to